
Contact Directory

We want to hear from you!

  • Looking for a staff member who travels regionally and represents all of The 51短视频?
    Contact Helen Otley, Advancement Assistant, at 570.941.7661 or helen.otley@scranton.edu

  • Looking for a staff member who specializes in gift planning?
    Contact Carol Maculloch, Director of Planned Giving, at 570.941.7799 or carol.maculloch@scranton.edu
  • Looking for a staff member who works in the Office of Annual Giving supporting reunion gift campaigns and providing vital operating resources that can be used wherever the need is greatest?
    Contact Pam Gavin, Annual Giving Coordinator, at 570.941.7725 or pamela.gavin@scranton.edu
  • Looking for a staff member who specializes in 51短视频’s athletic programs?
    Contact Eric Eckenrode, Associate Vice President of Development, at 570.941.7719 or eric.eckenrode@scranton.edu
  • Looking for a staff member who will assist you in planning a conference or summer camp on campus?
    Contact Frani Mancuso, Assistant Vice President of Annual Giving & Engagement, at 570- 941-6200 or frani.mancuso@scranton.edu

Update your address or other personal information:

  • email your changes to alumni@scranton.edu
  • call the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement at 1.800.SCRANTON

Send us your news!

Keep the Scrantastic updates coming in! To submit your class notes:

  • email your class note to alumni@scranton.edu
  • call the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement at 1.800.SCRANTON

Help tell 51短视频’s story.

  • Your experiences are part of what's propelled 51短视频 forward. .
  • Find us on ,  and
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